Hotel Yoschi’s Bromo

Hotel Yoschi’s atau Yoschi Hotel terletak 4 km sebelum Gunung Bromo, berlokasi di Wonokerto Ngadisari Bromo. Hotel ini bernuansa arsitektur khas Bali dan harganya relatif murah. Hotel Yoschi merupakan salah satu pilihan utama bagi para pengunjung wisata gunung bromo

Fasilitas : Restaurant, Laundry, Bar

Harga Kamar Hotel Yoschi’s Bromo

1. ECONOMIC ROOM (  18 rooms ) : Rp.180.000,-/night/room
Description :
Type : twin & Double bed
Bathroom outside share cool water
Hot shower available at the garden area for Rp.5000,-/ person/ use.
All the room rates include breakfast, tax& service 20%.
Extra matras    No Space

2. STANDART ROOM ( ready 6 rooms) : Rp.360.000,-/night/room
Description :
Type : Twin, Double, Triple bed
Bathroom inside with cool shower
Hot shower also available at the garden for Rp.5000,-/person/use.
All the room rates include breakfast, tax & service 20%.
Extra matras                  Rp.60.000,-/night

3. BUNGALOW / DELUXE COTTAGE (5 rooms ) : Rp.540.000,-/night/room
Description :
Type : Double,twin, triple
Private bathroom with hot shower inside & Tv .
All the room rates include breakfast, tax & service 20%.
Extra matras                  Rp.60.000,-/night.

4.Family cottage ( 2 rooms ). : Rp.720.000,-/night/room
Description :
Content : 2 rooms inside ( basic floor with twin bed, 1st floor double bed ).
Bathroom with hot shower inside & Tv.
All the room rates include breakfast, tax & service 20%.
Extra matras                  Rp.60.000,-/nigh

5. Suite Room (2.rooms) : Rp.1.200.000,-/night/room
Description :
The best room
Type : Double & triple
Bathroom with hot shower inside & Tv.
All the room rates include breakfast, tax & service 20%.
Extra matras                  Rp.60.000,-/night

* note: hari libur nasional dan tanggal merah harga kamar naik 20%

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Hotel Yoschi’s Bromo
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